The Penguin Daimyo 1/4
The Penguin Daimyo 1/4
The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4 The Penguin Daimyo 1/4

The Penguin Daimyo 1/4

Reference: XM-73
Brand: XM Studios
Availability: Pre-Order
SGD 1750
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A piece power-packed with details, this 1:4 statue focuses on The Penguin, one of Batman’s most prominent adversaries. Daimyo (Japanese for “Feudal Lord”) is the title given to powerful landholding magnate lords in Feudal Japan. A cunning, resourceful lord with strong connections, The Penguin Daimyo luxuriates in his Norimono (a Japanese Palanquin used by nobilities), accompanied by his penguin underlings.
The elaborate Norimono is embellished with traditional Japanese inspired motifs, intricate gold ornaments, and details. Recurring elements related to The Penguin decorate the main panels and roof of the Norimono.
Two penguin bodyguards who are of a bigger build carrying the Norimono. The smaller penguin underling serve sake with a side of gunpower for the Daimyo’s consideration. Each of the penguin dons a kasa (Japanese traditional straw hat) and carries various explosives in their backpack, ready to launch destructive firepower when required.
At the feet of The Penguin Daimyo is something interesting… gems in a chest with an emblem most resembling The Joker Orochi’s Oni inspired mask and a basket of fish with dynamite socked through the mouth. Who is the Daimyo making dealings with?
- 3 head sculpt
- 2 left-hand - his signature umbrella and a gunbai (a Japanese war fan used as a signaling device
- 2 right-hand switch-outs - a gun and a katana (Japanese sword) held at the hip.
- 1 gun that can be placed on the tray with sake
- 3 gems (Red, White and Blue) that can be placed on the chest
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