"No more lies"
"What does a liar do when he"
Bruce Wayne, portrayed by Robert Pattinson, becomes the underworld myth of Gotham and unleashes his wrath on every criminal in the city.
The Details
Based on the official images provided we have done our best to recreate the design of the suit and the appearance of the batman from the movie. With tactical armor, equipped with a hidden grappling gun, this version of Batman is aggressive but also defensive.
The Base
The base is shaped according to the official promotional materials and the elements previously revealed. In comparison with the righteous warrior, it carefully depicts the demon within him, and the fine line between good and evil. The gargoyle figurine is magnetically attached to the main platform, which can be removed and displayed individually.
The Craftsmanship
We utilized platinum-grade silicone and real leather, cloth, paper, etc. in order to achieve the best texture in 1/1 Life-size bust. At the same time, the use of artificial eyes and rooted hair technology,
Product Size : 93 x 79 x 65 cm